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Wednesday 30 November 2011

Family Trip

Your Slideshow Title Slideshow: Me’s trip from Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia to 2 cities Pulau Penang and Langkawi was created by TripAdvisor. See another Malaysia slideshow. Create your own stunning slideshow with our free photo slideshow maker.

sorry sebab kali ini tak ada recipes baru. Enjoy, tengok video ni :)

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Sandwich Cake

Kek ni resipi dari Nenek Bonda ... mak saye punya mak angkat. Saye rasa macam butter cake biasa tu, cuma kek ni agak moist, tambahan pulak ader jem stobewwi kat tengah dia ... I loike !

225 gms butter (mak gua anchor unsalted - 227 gms)
225 gms caster sugar
6 eggs
112 gms self raising flour
112 gms all purpose flour
1/2 cup fresh milk
2 tbsp golden syrup
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp baking powder
strawberry jam

  • pukul mentega dan gula hingga kembang
  • masukkan telur sebiji demi sebiji
  • masukkan vanilla dan golden syrup
  • masukkan tepung berselang seli dengan susu (** petua : start dgn tepung, then susu ... last dgn tepung)
  • masukkan dalam loyang, bakar dalam preheated 175'C oven selama 1 jam
  • sejukkan & letak jem kat tengah2 kek

Chilled Mango Cheesecake

Mango cheesecake ni peberet Ayong. Ayong sekolah kat Kelantan, kalau nak balik dari asrama, dia selalu telefon mak suruh mak buat mango cheesecake ni.

200 gms digestive biscuits, crushed
60 gms melted butter

1 pack halalgel geletine powder
1/4 cup lukewarm water

300 gms cream cheese (thaw to room temperature)
150 gms caster sugar
200 ml whipping cream
400 gms mango, pureed
200 gms mango, diced

  • grease a 9" springform pan. Mix crushed biscuits & melted butter. Press biscuits onto the base of the springform, flatten & smoothen the biscuit base. Chill in the fridge while preparing the filling.
  • sprinkle gelatine over lukewarm water. Set aside until it turns clear & spongy.
  • whip up whipping cream until soft peaks form. 
  • add gelatine mixture and whipping cream to pureed mango.
  • beat cream cheese until smooth. Add sugar and continue beating until light & fluffy. Combine mago puree mixture & cream cheese mixture. Add diced mango. Pour the mixture onto the chilled biscuit crust.
  • chill overnight till firm.

Candy Kelapa

Sedap jugak candy kelapa ni. Mak pesan, kalau nak buat candy ni, yang penting sekali kena cari kelapa muda. Mak dah kurangkan gula dalam resipi ni ...

1 cawan kelapa parut
3/4 cawan susu cair
1/2 cawan gula pasir

  • masukkan semua bahan ke dalam periuk kecuali pewarna
  • masak atas api perlahan (can be up to 2 hours)
  • b4 angkat, letakkan pewarna
  • masukkan kedalam loyang
  • sejukkan & potong

Curry Laksa (Mee Kari)

Percaya tak, abah tak makan pun kuih-kuih manis yang mak masak ! Abah memang tak suka manis sangat sebab abah kata abah dah manis ... hehehe. Tapi kalau mak masak mee kari ni, hmmm ... abah suka! Jom kita intai, apa bahan-bahannya ...

500 gms mee kuning - celur
200 gms taugeh - celur
200 gms sawi - celur
3 urat kacang panjang - celur
15 biji telur puyuh - rebus & buang kulit
bawang goreng
(fish ball, fish cake, kerang, ayam, udang, sotong - optional)

(A) - tumbuk halus
2 ulas bawang merah
2 ulas bawang putih
1 inci halia

(B) - rebus & blend - ambil airnya sahaja
200 gms ikan bilis
500 ml air
6 ulas bawang putih
3 inci halia

4 cmb rempah kari
250 gms santan pekat (sebiji kelapa)
2 cmb minyak untuk menumis
tahu serap secukupnya
  • panaskan minyak dalam periuk
  • tumis (A) hingga masak
  • masukkan rempah kari
  • masukkan bahan (B), masak hingga mendidih
  • masukkan santan, tahu serap (kalau suka boleh masukkan ayam, kerang, udang, ayam)
  • tambah garam secukup rasa

Kurma Scones

Scones ni, mak yang suka makan. Saye, ok la ... kalau panas-panas tu, sedaplah jugak. Keluar je oven, terus potong & letak butter ... biar butter tu cair ... pastu cicah dengan teh o ... :)

700 gms plain flour
140 gms butter
40 gms baking powder
170 gms caster sugar
125 gms kurma
350 ml milk
2 eggs
a pinch of salt

  • mix flour, salt, baking powder and sugar in a bowl
  • rub in butter to assemble fine breadcrumbs
  • add in dates
  • beat eggs and milk
  • add egg to flour mixture to form soft dough
  • cut rounds using a cutter, place on a baking tray, brush with beaten egg & milk mixture
  • bake in a preheated 200'C oven for 15 minutes or until golden brown

Cream Puff

Mak memang ambik tempahan untuk kuih muih  & mak paling banyak dapat order untuk cream puff. Mak kata mak belajar kat TV, pastu mak try buat ... kalau ada jamuan kat kelas, saya selalu jugak bawak cream puff ni ...

Choux Pastry
1/2 cup butter
1/4 tsp salt
1 cup flour
1 cup water
4 eggs

  • preheat 240'C oven
  • combine water, butter & salt in a saucepan. Bring to boil
  • as soon as the mixture boils, add flour all at once and beat to mix the flour smoothly with the liquid
  • remove from heat.
  • in a mixing bowl, mix 4 eggs and flour mixture, continue beating until the mixture becomes a smooth & shiney paste
  • while still warm, shape choux puffs, eclairs, profiterols or apa-apa lah yang kita nak buat, on a baking sheet
  • bake in the preheated oven for 20 minutes, then reduce the heat to 150'C & continue baking for another 20 mins.

Pastry Cream
1/2 liter full cream milk
1 egg
25 gms custard flour
30 gms corn flour
100 gms caster sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla
  • combine all ingredients in a saucepan
  • constantly stir over medium high heat until the mixture coats the back of the spoon
  • remove from heat, pour into a container & cover surface with plastic wrap. 
chocolate drizzled cream puff ... yummy !